You're going to watch your body change, you're going to feel your joint pain
and you're going to experience more confidence than you
EVER have before -- and you'll do it ALL in just 4 short weeks.
The #1 Reason You're Not Losing Fat:
You're Training the WRONG System
The way most workout programs are designed is by deciding which muscles to work today, and how to best set up your program to hit everything eventually; all of this while stimulating the greatest "metabolic" effect. The problem is, you're already off to the wrong start.
Muscle = Metabolism, right?
So in order to stimulate the greatest metabolic effect from an exercise, we want to get as much muscle involved as possible. This just makes sense. However, stimulating as much muscle as possible may not be what it seems...
There Are 2 Ways To Stimulate Muscle And Increase Your Metabolism, Not Just One.
One idea would be to work as many muscles within a given workout as you can; another possibility would be to enhance the electrical signal to a group of muscles, instead. Now, by working on nerve instead of a muscle, you are actually working on multiple muscles at once, and, more importantly, all of each muscle.
The Key Fat Loss Factor:
Your Nervous System
It's a cold hard FACT that you'll take much more away from every rep of every exercise, of every set, and of EVERY workout when you stimulate your nervous system first.
But this is just the beginning... there's a specific sequence of events that I follow to increase signal strength. Here they are:
- Plan a movement.
- Re-align the spine.
- Excite nerves that relax during the day by doing 5 minutes of muscle balancing exercises.
- Balance joints to take away pain signals you may not know are going on.
- Ask for more electricity through dynamic and unstable exercises.
- Work related segments together, at once, to improve muscle timing.
- Create 'Cardiovascular Override' by working all 3 Energy Systems
That may sound like a lot to think about, but there is an easy fat loss system that solves this for you:
The Solution: The Quadruple Neuro Fat Loss Stack™
The Quadruple Fat Loss Stack™ is a high-speed fat loss system based on the number 4 and the proprietary "stacker" technology used in Full Throttle Fat Loss:
4 Phases
4 Days to Immediately Noticable Results
4 Weeks to Automatically Programmed Fat Loss
4 Times FASTER Fat Loss
It works because we do 4 critically important things as we progress:
Recruit, Load, Distribute, Stack. This ensures progression, by the use of Fat Loss Stacker Principle. First, we recruit a muscle or group of muscles, then we add a load to the muscle, redistribute our weight, and add a second or third exercise into the mix before completing a rep.
Accelerate Your Fat Loss to Full Throttle
with "Stacker" Fat Loss Technology
Stacker Fat Loss Technology is when you add the fat loss effect of every portion of every exercise together. It's a simple formula. Let's give a practical example. Let's say that you do the following 2 exercises, back to back:
Squat and Lunge
1 Squat + 1 Lunge = 2 exercises.
Now, let's say you take those same 2 exercises, except you add a movement to exercise #2, and you leave the rest the same.
Lunge + Press = 2-part exercise
1 Squat + 2-part exercise = 3 exercises.
You get the idea. We can really build a lot more into a lot less time when we learn to add exercises together. Fat loss skyrockets, as does the metabolic effectiveness of every exercise.
Stacker Fat Loss Technology wins.
Want to be sure my methods work?... Here's what Susan had to say
about the time we've spent together:
this is where you will find our product and other informations : Click Here!