There is now no serious dispute between medical professionals, as to the relationship between a sedentary lifestyle and an increased risk of cardio-vascular problems arising.
In fact, some authorities believe that the lack of exercise in a typical western lifestyle is a far bigger health risk overall than obesity alone.
Of course, it also has to be accepted that we have built a modern technological society where for some people, regular exercise is extremely difficult. If you happen to be stuck behind the desk for eight or 9 hours a day or in the cab of a lorry driving for similar periods of time, getting regular exercise is going to be a challenge.
Even so, doing nothing other than continuing to 'do nothing' is likely to become a potentially serious health risk for you going forward. So, here are a few top tips as to how you can change your lifestyle and keep yourself that bit fitter.
  1. Critically and honestly review how much exercise you get during the average day. Use a pedometer if necessary. If you find that your life is largely sedentary then the most important thing is to take a positive decision to do something about it.
  1. Start thinking about walking at every opportunity as opposed to taking easier options. This is a very 'quick win' and can make a real difference to your fitness and health. So, walk down to the shops instead of using the car. Walk upstairs in your office instead of taking the lift. Do likewise in shopping centres etc. It will all help.
  1. Try to get out for a brisk walk of about 20 minutes' duration at least twice every day. For example, instead of watching the TV or browsing the Internet at lunch, get out stretch your legs instead.
  1. Buy a bicycle and try to go out for a 30 minute cycle each day. You can pick them up second-hand usually for a snip.
  1. Plan in some more extensive activities during the weekend. Just what you do can depend upon your own interests, providing you do something. For example, someone weighing around 100 kilos and swimming at a moderate pace for about an hour will burn 650 calories. Walking, cycling, swimming - just about any activity sport will be far better for you than simply sitting at home doing paperwork and so on.
  1. Join a gymnasium or exercise class of your liking- e.g. pilates, yoga, bushwalking. Doing something you enjoy- means you are going to keep it going for an extended period!
All of these things are likely to be a huge advantage for your health, particularly when they are combined with professionally designed weight loss programs.
Remember though, if your weight is approximately right, that in itself is not a sign you are necessarily fit and healthy or an excuse to do nothing about exercise.
It's perfectly possible to have an acceptable weight but still be leading a lifestyle that is far too sedentary, which will make it more and more difficult to keep maintaining your goal weight. This is because you need exercise to maintain muscle mass and your metabolic rate.
One last thing to consider before starting any sort of formal exercise regime is what you know of your overall health. If you have any existing serious health problems or are significantly overweight, it might be prudent to consult a doctor before kicking off with any programme of demanding exercise.
Whatever you choose- it should be something you enjoy and are capable of fitting it into your lifestyle and or budget for an extended period of time or for life!