This message especially goes out to those 'not in the know.' For
the well-being of you, your family and friends it is essential that you
pay heed to the following information. There is a war on our health.
Promulgated within an organization of certain individuals in high places
there is a secret agenda to systematically destroy the health of a
significant number of the world's human population.
To counter
this planned agenda it is necessary to educate yourself on what's going
on: Make informed choices on your health while educating others to do
the same... Before I get into that, first, here is some background.
Fabian Society was named after Fabius Maximus a Roman dictator/general.
His claim to fame was his military strategy. Instead of fighting
battles where winning or losing would be the outcome he employed a
tactic whereby he had his army weaken the enemy over a long time period.
Then, with the enemy so weakened, his army would just step in and take
over with little resistance.
-This is an analogy for what's going
on with the ruling elite's health agenda: After systematically
destroying the health of a significant number of the world's human
population, those still alive will be so weakened having little
resistance to offer, the ruling elite will then take over and do as they
wish for their planned New World Order global fascist dictatorship.
The war on food and GMO (genetically modified organisms)
part of the plan the ruling elite want to have total control over the
world's food supply. Their strategy is to own and control the food
supply in the form of GMO. The intention is to make us consume this food
so that in turn we will then be modified having consumed toxic genes,
thus weakening our health.
To get GMO accepted, with
misrepresented science they then pay off certain senior politicians to
approve certain laws that give them the necessary freedom to advance
their agenda... Instead of policing the GM corporations, in the
tradition of the classic 'revolving door' scenario a number of these
politicians end up working for them.
Junk food
Over the
years it should come as no surprise to many that we've seen an increase
in high-sugar, high-salt, nasty trans-fats, chemical laden metabolic
poison junk food that correlates with a 1% rise in obesity each year and
a whole catalogue of increasing illnesses. Junk food has the effect of
targeting certain nerve cells in specific regions in the brain making it
highly addictive.
- All this goes on while governmental
directives have had the effect of tightening the control on certain
health food stores with their vitamins and minerals... and giving these
alternatives unjustly a bad press.
Forced vaccinations
form of encroaching tyranny exists in the government pushing for forced
vaccinations. The related directives come under the guise of 'we're
only doing what's best for you' but this has no logic since there is a
ton of peer reviewed documentary evidence to show that vaccinations can
be ineffective, cause the very disease having been vaccinated for, or
even harm and kill with their toxicity and toxic overload.
have been targeted by receiving something like 25 plus vaccinations
before 6 years old, weakening their immune system possibly for the rest
of their lives which, as part of the Fabius Maximus tactic, will make
them grow up to be easier to control because of debilitating ill health.
Then there have been a number of whistle blowers exposing the related
fraudulent science...
Like the opposite political parties the
mainstream media do not discuss this and are pro-vaccination. That's
because both the opposite political parties and mainstream media are
controlled by the ruling elite with their owned multinational
pharmaceutical companies who provide the vaccines.
- These
policies/schedules affect our personal sovereignty and freedom, denying
us the right to make decisions for ourselves on health, not to mention
the persecution should we refuse... Many forms of effective naturopathic
alternatives as treatment have been unjustly quashed, ridiculed and
suppressed because they go against the medical/pharmaceutical
establishment's highly profitable model.
In conclusion
very briefly shows how and why there is a war on our health: The war on
the human species. If we're to take back our rightful sovereignty, make
informed choices on health, then it's time to get active. This is my
plea asking you to join me in the campaign in whatever way you can.